Baguio City
Day 2 - December 24, 2017
It is such a nice day to wake up in the morning and feel the cold breeze due to Christmas season and the place's natural cool weather. It is our second day celebrating the holiday with the people I love. We start our day by having our breakfast prepared by my aunts and especially my mother. We all know that we always love to eat if it is prepared by our mothers. So after eating, we prepare ourselves to explore another tourist destination that is popular in Baguio City.
We proceed immediately to Bell Church. It is a Chinese temple of the Chinese Filipino indigenous religious organization of the same name in La Trinidad, Benguet, Philippines. It is an important religious and cultural site for the local Chinese Filipino community and one of the tourist sites of both La Trinidad and the neighboring city of Baguio featuring in local films in the 1970s until the 1990s.

We also went to the Strawberry Farm in Benguet. It is a farm in the town of La Trinidad, Benguet, Philippines primarily used for the cultivation of strawberries. These are an important part of La Trinidad's economy with the Strawberry Festival held in the town every March. In this site, you can pick strawberries and buy fresh vegetables. There are also other products that you can buy near the farm for your pasalubongs to your friends and relatives in your place.

After taking some photos, we headed right away to Tam-Awan Village. It is a reconstructed Cordillera village showcasing the traditional Ifugao Huts, and Baguio’s art and culture scene. You can check out the permanent and occasional art exhibits from various Baguio artists. Also, artists are always available to sketch your portrait. There is a Cafe where you can get a taste of Cordillera flavors.

For our last destination in this day, we went to the Lourdes Grotto. It is a Catholic shrine and place of prayer and meditation located on Mirador Hill in the western part of Baguio. Inside the grotto is a statue of Our Lady of Lourdes. To reach the shrine the visitor must climb 252 steps. When you reach the top of the stairs, it is traditional to light a candle.